
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
7 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
8 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
9 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
10 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
12 admin_application /admin/application/ Path does not match
13 app_admin_application_all /admin/application/all/ Path does not match
14 app_admin_application_children /admin/application/children/ Path does not match
15 application_edit /admin/application/edit Path does not match
16 app_admin_application_save /admin/application/save/ Path does not match
17 application_delete /admin/application/delete Path does not match
18 admin_applicationtype /admin/applicationtype/ Path does not match
19 app_admin_applicationtype_all /admin/applicationtype/all/ Path does not match
20 app_admin_applicationtype_edit /admin/applicationtype/edit Path does not match
21 app_admin_applicationtype_save /admin/applicationtype/save/ Path does not match
22 applicationtype_delete /admin/applicationtype/delete Path does not match
23 admin_container /admin/container/ Path does not match
24 app_admin_container_all /admin/container/all/ Path does not match
25 container_children /admin/container/children/ Path does not match
26 container_edit /admin/container/edit Path does not match
27 app_admin_container_save /admin/container/save/ Path does not match
28 container_config /admin/container/config Path does not match
29 container_delete /admin/container/delete Path does not match
30 app_admin_containersystem /admin/containersystem/ Path does not match
31 app_admin_containersystem_all /admin/containersystem/all/ Path does not match
32 app_admin_containersystem_children /admin/containersystem/children/ Path does not match
33 containersystem_edit /admin/containersystem/edit Path does not match
34 app_admin_containersystem_save /admin/containersystem/save/ Path does not match
35 containersystem_config /admin/containersystem/config Path does not match
36 admin_containertype /admin/containertype/ Path does not match
37 containertype_all /admin/containertype/all/ Path does not match
38 app_admin_containertype_edit /admin/containertype/edit Path does not match
39 app_admin_containertype_save /admin/containertype/save/ Path does not match
40 app_admin_containertype_config /admin/containertype/config Path does not match
41 containertype_delete /admin/containertype/delete Path does not match
42 admin_index /admin/ Path does not match
43 app_login /login Path does not match
44 app_logout /logout Path does not match
45 template_list /admin/template/ Path does not match
46 template_all /admin/template/all/ Path does not match
47 app_admin_template_children /admin/template/children/ Path does not match
48 template_edit /admin/template/edit Path does not match
49 template_config /admin/template/config Path does not match
50 template_save /admin/template/save/ Path does not match
51 template_delete /admin/template/delete Path does not match
52 applicationtypeusersearch /applicationtype Path does not match
53 applicationusersearch /application Path does not match
54 applicationget /application/{id} Path does not match
55 containertypeusersearch /containertype/search Path does not match
56 containermacrotypeusersearch /containermacrotype Path does not match
57 containersearch /container/search Path does not match
58 containerget /container/{id} Path does not match
59 containertemplateuserget /containertemplate Path does not match
60 infrastructureusersearch /infrastructure Path does not match
61 infrastructureget /infrastructure/{id} Path does not match
62 companydetail /company/details Path does not match
63 packagedetail /package/{id} Path does not match
64 packagesearch /package/search Path does not match
65 companyinvoicessearch /company/invoices/search Path does not match
66 collaboratorusercodecheck /collaboratorcheck Path does not match
67 companycontacts /company/contacts Path does not match
68 asynctest /asynctest Path does not match
69 projectusersearch /projects Path does not match
70 projectusercreate /projects Path does not match
71 projectuserupdate /projects Path does not match
72 projectusercheckshortname /projects/check Path does not match
73 projectuserdelete /projects Path does not match
74 siteadminsearch /admin/site/search Path does not match
75 siteadminget /admin/site/{id} Path does not match
76 siteusercreate /site Path does not match
77 siteuserupdate /site Path does not match
78 siteclearcacheuserupdate /site/clearcache Path does not match
79 sitegetsitesinfouser /site/getsitesinfo Path does not match
80 sitenamecheckuser /site/namecheck Path does not match
81 siteusersearch /site/search Path does not match
82 siteuserget /site/{id} Path does not match
83 siteuserclonefrom /site/clone/{id} Path does not match
84 sitetasksuserlist /sitetasklist/{idSite} Path does not match
85 sitetasksuserget /sitetask/{idTask} Path does not match
86 sitetaskssearch /sitetaskslist Path does not match
87 sitetaskusercreate /sitetask Path does not match
88 siteusercollaboratorlist /collaborator Path does not match
89 companycollaboratorlist /companycollaborator Path does not match
90 sitecollaboratorsupdate /collaborator Path does not match
91 sitedomainuserlist /sitedomain/{idSite} Path does not match
92 sitedomainuserupdate /sitedomain Path does not match
93 siteredirectuserupdate /siteredirect Path does not match
94 siteredirectuserdelete /siteredirect/{id} Path does not match
95 siteredirectuserlist /siteredirect/{id} Path does not match
96 sitecronjobuserupdate /sitecronjob Path does not match
97 sitelogrequestdownloaduser /sitelogrequestdownload Path does not match
98 sitelogsearchuser /sitelogsearch Path does not match
99 sitelogfiledownloaduser /sitelogfiledownload/{idSiteLog} Path does not match
100 siteloglastuser /siteloglast Path does not match
101 sitelogsingleuser /sitelog/{idSiteLog} Path does not match
102 decryptsitepassworduser /site/usersecret/{siteId}/{secretType} Path does not match
103 statsadminsitelist /admin/stats/listsiteforstats Path does not match
104 statsusersearch /stats/site Path does not match
105 statspackageusersearch /stats/package Path does not match
106 statsrealtimeusersearch /stats/site/realtime Path does not match
107 templatesearch /template/search Path does not match
108 templatenget /template/{id} Path does not match
109 debugpayload /debugpayload/{id} Path does not match
110 ping /ping Path does not match
111 debugfile /debugfile Path does not match
112 debugsendfile /debugsendfile Path does not match
113 debugtest /debugtest Path does not match
114 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.